
The Secret Life of Bees Tenth AnniversaryTen Book Giveaway Contest

To celebrate the 10th Anniversary of The Secret Life of Bees, Sue Monk Kidd will give away 10 signed copies of a new, keepsake edition, to be published November 23, 2011. This special edition contains a first-time Introduction by the author. Each book will have a book plate personally signed by the author.

The contest is easy! Go to Twitter and submit any question related to The Secret Life of Bees. Do you want to know where the inspiration for the bees in the wall came from? Was there a real drive-through funeral home? Ten questions will be randomly chosen, which Sue will answer and post on

To enter, submit your question (one per participant) on Twitter (@suemonkkidd) between now and November 5, 2011. Use the hash tag #TSLOB10, for easy tracking. Contest is open to U.S. residents only.

Winners will be announced on Twitter on or about November 10, 2011. The winners will be required to provide via email an address with name and phone number for where the book should be mailed, using the subject header: The Secret Life of Bees 10th Anniversary Contest. The information will not be used for any other purpose.

Sue’s answers to the winning questions will appear on her website. Sue’s Twitter followers will be notified, with a link to the Q&A.

Don’t miss the chance to win a signed commemorative book!